Kamis, 29 Januari 2015


Last holiday, I went to Bali. We went in group of SMAN 1 Bawang Banjarnegara. We went there by bus. I am was very enjoyed the journey, but on the way my bus got a problem so we must move to other bus.

The first day in Bali, we visited Tabah Lot. The scenery was beautiful and the air was cool. then we went to bedugul to enjoy the lake bratan. after that we went to Joger to buy souvenirs. the place was crowded, so we need a very long queue to pay at the cashier. then we watch the show barong. after enjoying the show barong we went to the hotel to rest.

The next day in Bali, we went to SMAN 4 Denpasar to action research, then we went to Kuta beach, the most famous beach in Bali to see the sunset. But there beach dirty with trash wood on the beach. after that we went to Tanjung Benoa, There were so many activities to do there. We could play parasailing, banana boat, and so on. But I chose to go to a little island which had a lot of reptiles there. There were snake, turtles, etc. The scenery was so beautiful, because I was in the middle of the sea. Next we went to the dream land. There was big waves and I enjoy the sunset. After that, we visited the Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK). There were two statues Which were so big. There were Wisnu and his bird, called Garuda. 

The last day in Bali, we went to the Sukawati market, the most famous market in Bali to bught souvenirs.

In the afternoon we return to Java. we were all very happy and very tired.